My Own Private Darkroom

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Jimmy Carter: Man From Plains

Once again, tis the season...

In the wake of our Democratic landslide, I thought I'd check out a recent rescue from the Blockbuster bargain bin. Johnathan Demme's 2007 documentary about "Jimmy Carter: Man From Plains", is a fly-on-the-wall perspective into the daily activities of Carter - while he completed a book tour.

At two hours and change, this one could have done with a little editing, but overall - it's a great everyday window into the life of this former president. Demme had excellent access, so you see a bounty of detail....personal phone calls, book signings, dinner at home and more. While the message that Carter is delivering in his book about Israel/Palestine is front and center - it's the little things that make this enjoyable.

An intellegent look at an approachable, no-frills leader - and the active life of service that continues to drive him forward.


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